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ChurchList is the best place to find a church near you in the UK. Start your search today.

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Why choose ChurchList?

You can find a church with a great looking profile page

Good Looking Church Profiles

One of the reasons we built ChurchList was to help present local churches in a modern, good-looking way. Think church is old and boring? Think again! Check out an example church listing.

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Sort & Filter like a boss

Looking for a church with community outreach programs? Or perhaps one with great men's and women's groups? We've got you covered. Use our advanced sort and filter tool to find the specific category of church you need.​

Find a church that is reviewed by others

Reviewed for you

The best way to see if a church is right for you is to see how others have reviewed it. Visiting a church for the first time can feel intimidating so why not take a look at how other people have described the church so you can know what to expect.

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Contact churches directly

Each church listing has the ability to contact the church directly. No need to go and find their website or social media platform, no need to do any Googling..! Everything you need is on the page.

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Easy locations & directions

See where each church is on the map and even get directions to the church from your own location! Plus ChurchList is fully optimised for mobile devices so you can navigate from your phone.

Resources to help find a church

Extra articles & recourses

Curious about Christianity, faith, Jesus, or why all these churches are on this website in the first place? You might be interested in browsing through our articles and resources section. Coming soon.

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At ChurchList our purpose is to help people find great local churches that suit them. Go Explore!